Saturday, 9 January 2010

Right. I hurt head to toe. Because of the STUPID fucking ice and my STUPID  gorgeous boots I fell over yesterday in town infront of the whole of Jamie's resturant and not only did I fall over. But I fell over INTO A LAMPOST, hitting my head and revealing my knickers to the whole of Oxford. I woke up this morning and I'm just in so much pain. It's shit.
Still no news from UCAS. Still no job.
Yesterday was a real low point. I was in the worst mood ever and I still am tbh. Just need a job and something to work towards *cough* Hurry up UCAS!! I did about 500 words of my essay and I'm soooo boredddd. But I really like how easy I'm finding it. Makes me feel smart.
I've found this course which is what I want to do at uni but in a year an a half with intensive training,... the only thing is that its £22000 to do it. I can't even get my head around how much money that is. Goddamn. It looks really good too. Meh.
The boy gets home from work in 2 hours and I only just got up. Goodstuff. My hair needs doing so baddddddd!! It's grown loads tho =] Score!
Things to do:
>Stop faffing about
>Finish the review
>Be more positive
>Go to the gym


Getting out of bed would be a start...