Monday, 15 March 2010


So I haven't Blogged in a long time (it's been days!)
But I got an email from LCF and I have an interview in 8 days!!!!
So basically I've been working my arse off and have no spare time to blogg.
I'm so excited !!!
And because I have to be on the other side of London at 9.30am I get to stay at Orchid's the night before =]
I'm so excited!!
And my friend Tim is going to keep me company on the day of my interview. yayyy =] I love Tim, he's like me little brother... and I haven't seen him in weeks!!!
I had my drink spiked on friday night so I've been feeling like shit the last 2 days =[
Currently working on some kind of robo-doll/rumplestiltskin-esque thing for LCF. They gave me a massive list of portfolio requirements.
So much to do and for something so important!
If I got into LCF I don't even know what I would do..... Cry maybe...The fact that they have given me an interview in the first place it just lovely!


Sam Winterbotttom said...

how do you know your drink was spiked? did you own the fucker?