Saturday 6 March 2010

And I'm No Fool, I'm Just Living Upside Down

So wednesday went well. Although I'm starting to feel that every photography session is ending and begining the same. They have all started to merge into one memory which is no good. Photography is ment to be exciting and new and fresh. Not.....lets go into a darkend room and take pictures of our friends while our crazy tutor does all the work for you, bosses you about, and tells you that he is "really aware of you right now...." in a disconcerting voice that makes me want to laugh but also makes me wonder what the hell is actually happening in his tiny balding head when he says this.
Here is my plan of what I wanted to do:

But I was rushed and it ended up looking like this.....I am happy with the pictures and Georgia looks gorgeous but meh. I could have done it so much better. =[

It was my first day at Fasta Pasta today. It was a ball. All the people I work with are really motherly and lovely. All we did all day was sell olives, make pasta and drink tea =] My kinda place. I just hope I dont mess this job up too. Because HELL do I need the money.

I have kind of decided on a general theme for my FMP.....I want to look nudes in art. and why they are still used in fashion photography to shock when we've seen it all before etc. I decided on this after reading a photography magazine recently and it was full of this anorexic looking girl with a hugely hairy muff just generall faffing about being naked. You could tell it was ment to be really gritty but it wasn't. Not to me anyway.... It was just an ill-looking girl who was obviously freezing in very "kooky" positions. Anyway, this is just an idea. I'm not sure on how to approach it and every time I try to explain it it comes out wrong just like above.

I'm absolutely knacked. After going out last night - even though I came home at half 10/11.
I wish I was more poetic. I'm just really not. haha. The other night I couldn't sleep so Rupert read me some Poe. I was really lovely. I think I will buy more books like that. He is baking us cookies atm, =] a happy girl I am =]

I miss Orchid but will be going to London soon and will see her then. How exciting.
I love you Fishcakes =]



Unknown said...

I LOVE YOU TOO SHLOE! & i miss you & i love you & come to London & make me happy (:

nudes are awesome, best part of art foshizzzz & your photos are really good too :D


Orchid said...

ohhhhhhhh i was still logged onto my friend's account (:

SusieScream said...

well now things make sense =] x