Saturday 17 April 2010

Fucking Joker.

Today I feel so shit.
I'm absolutely knackered. Work was mental today. Would you really que out of the door to buy our fresh pasta? Is it really necessary? Eugh.
My essay needs another 600 words and I just cannot be arsed! I want to open my windows and SCREAM. Thats how I feel. I don't really know what feeling that is....
All I need is an extra day and for last thursday to have not have happened.
Rupert has gone home for the weekend and I'm all alone. Which really isn't a good idea. All I want is a hug.
I got some really bad news on thursday night. I'm absolutely devistated.

I was just watching the behind the scenes Dr Who thing. And I was really impressed because I thought they had made darleks with build in voice recognition...... but then a little man got out of one and I was disapointed. He wasn't that little....normal sized really.... well I supposed he would have had to of been small to fit into a darlek... maybe he was sitting down? I imagine they just run around inside it. and the darlek is on a set of sprung wheels? Like a hamster on a running wheel.... but flat.
There was no point in that paragraph. I hate the new Dr Who. and his assistant. They are so fucking annoying. And she's ginger. And he's ugly.
Can you tell I'm angry?
I'm going to go and watch Britains Got Tallent, and make myself feel better by being thankful that I'm not anyone on the program.


R.I.P. Uncle Clive  xxxxxxxxxxxx


Orchid said...


you realise there's a high chance your baby will be ginger right? i'm just preparing you for the surprise a little. it's okay, i think i'm okay wth being godmother still. might get less presents though.