Wednesday 28 April 2010


Well hello there,
I haven't blogged in a while,... mainly because I have tonsilitus and all I've been doing is sleeping.
I finally gave into my illness today and went to the doctors. Now I have to take a million pills a day... (9 in fact) and they make me even more sleepy!!
I CAN'T wait to be at university. I'm so freaking excited about it! I want to go now!!!! I got my student finance letter in the post being like 'we are processing your application' and it just made me so excited. I wish I didn't have to wait for another month and a bit untill I apply for halls.
My FMP is going awfully. I haven't done a single thing in the last 2 weeks. There are FOUR WEEKS left of my course after this week is up and I've done nothing!! If only they would give me my freaking room. I need to wallpaper it and all that jazz. My tutor came up with this annoying idea of creating the life of the scientist... So now I have to somehow find and convince a crazy looking old man to model for me in pictures. I have to make his diary as well. Which tbh... is impossible.... Paul was like 'you should collect tickets for the opera and things like that...document his life!'.....and where am I going to get things like that? GREAT ONE.
If I hadn't been ill for the last like, week and a half, then I would be doing loads of work. But I'm so tired =[
I need to make some specimins to go into specimin jars... I was ment to do this today but I came home at 12 and slept for 3 hours. EUGH. I have so much to do! But maybe I should get to it instead of blogging.
Peace x