Friday 9 April 2010

Oh helllllll

I think I may be going insane.
I haven't done any real art for a long. long. long. Time. All I've been thinking about recently is FMP FMP FMP FMP.
I need to make something or draw something or ANYTHING. But I can't Because it's a waste of time when I could be thinking of more things to do for FMP.
I FINALLY came up with something to do last night. (well I say I came up with something...... It was really Ruperts genius that bore the project) (Thank you Darl =])
So I'm looking at perpetual motor machines and daily routines and impossible dreams (it just happens to all rhyme) and discovering the impossible. I think for my actual project I will make up a fictitious scientist and do an installation of his study where he obviously is obsessed with perpetual motor machines and routines and motions and stuff. In my head it's amazing and the posiblities are endless but I'm finding it quite hard to explain at the moment. Which is worrying as I have to write a 3000 word essay on it. HA.
I need to go to the library but I HATE that place! I walk in and just get sooooo un motivated. Its so drab in there.
I finally got my blackberry. It's a beaut. But I think I bought it off a criminal. They decieded not to delete their messages before sending it to me and ofc I read them! it was all like "I just want my husband back, the husband before the drugs, you need to get off the drugs, the drugs are our problem" and "don't you love our 5 kids?" and the best one: " the police are here now, Sue is going to womens aid so I hope youre happy with what youve done"
Poor Sue.
Today I've spent the day filling out the student finance form. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bloody long and boring. I also, looked at the LCF halls and I really REALLY want to live in whitechapel. The flats are the cutest flats I've ever seen and its just around the corner from Brick Lane. =] Also, they are the second cheapest halls offerd by LCF at £120 a week. I can't apply till June...but I WILL be the first person to apply....because I really want to live there!

I will leave you with this picture...It's from when Rupert and I went on a ridiculous drive to Cornwall 2 weeks ago and there was a big theme park-like sign to Gnome World.......I was so excited. and Rupert promised me he would take me for my birthday. On the way home we got really really bored of driving so we went to Gnome World  (even though it wasn't my birthday) .... It turned out to be a shitty, dirty, caravan park with some mouldy gnomes outside.
And It was raining.

I really like the Malibu advert




Orchid said...

I HAVE ALWAYS WANTeD TO GO GNOME WORLD. we're like twins even when we don't mean to be.

you're FMP idea sounds amazinggggg

i have actually gone mad. i am so alone, & so bored. oh my god.


Orchid said...

check that out!!