Sunday 16 May 2010


Oh god. I'm so bloody tired!!! wahhh.
I think I will work backwards.
I just got home from Camden.... where I bought the most amazing watch!!!
... Crap pictures but tbh I cba I'm too tired...

Isn't it cool?! I was planning of getting the old tragus pierced today but I just couldn't be arsed... It's honestly just one of those days...
So I was in camden today because I stayed at Orchids last night after her party... whish was interesting... I made friends with a few people but I don't think the majority of the people there appreciated the fact that it was just me, Rupert, Greg, Lauren..? and Orchid putting on all our music and dancing by ourselves...
Unfortunately there are no pictures of me dressed as Thelma... I don't really know why...
Orchid's party made me love her loads because basically everyone I met already knew me and they were like 'Orchid talks about you all the time..' and one girl said she felt like she knew me already hahaha
I love Orchid
(Thank you so much for letting us stay even thought Rupert slept walked though your halls in his boxers)
What? oh yeah thats right.... just as Orchid and I were going to bed, Rupert woke up (He was dressed as marilyn manson wiith the face paint and everything... but it had all rubbed off and smugged into a layer of just pure wtf.) So rupert gets up and hes only in his boxers and a duvet... he walks out to find the toilet (even though there is one in her room....) and I was like argh hes not gunna remember this.. so I sent Orchid to fetch him but she missed him and he went down in the lift.. to the basement (where the party was) and she came back to get me and was like um.... ruperts in the basement shall we go get him? hahaha so we went down in the lift and the lift stops at the first floor... our doors open and the doors open from the lift next to us... rupert walkes out in his boxers with marilyn manson makeup nad walks past our lift.... without the duvet.....
Anyway... long story short.... rupert was sleep walking and we eventually found his duvet in the basement and he doesnt remember anything...... hahah. It literally was the funniest thing I've seen in a long long time.
I havent told it well because I just cba. lol.
Before we drove up to London on saturday I had work.. It was fine... went out the day before for Erikas birthday for a curry and lots of beer....
That was ok.
Basically. I miss Orchid so much.
I cant wait to live in London.
Just can't wait.
I've done no work this weekend and I'm screwed for this week at college.....
Oh! talking of work, I need to find a new job which is so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my job. but they can't give me full time hours in the summer. GAY.
I want to work in paperchase...
I'm so sleepy and Im off to eat the biggest pizza I can find......



Sam Winterbotttom said...

sick watch!

Orchid said...


i love you "crab"schtick (:
