Monday 12 July 2010

WARNING: Long Post

OH Lord! I've had such a jam packed couple of days! There was a car V motorbike crash right in front of me, and it was horrific!!!!!! I was driving along happily and then this fucking STUPID girl just drove into a learner biker.... she didn't even hit him.... she drove straight through him. His exhaust flew off into someones garden... he flew into the air and went flying into the car in front smashing through the back windscreen. The top half of his body was inside the back of the car and then it flopped out and rolled into the other side of the road. I just sat there and was like fuck, fuck, fuck..... fuck. and then ran out of the car and it was so awful. His head was stretched back and his eyes were huge but his pupils were so small I thought he didn't have any. His shoulder was basically behind his neck and his elbow was bent the other way. To see someone in that way was just.... oh so unnatural. It was like looking at something that repulsed you but was actually pretty interesting. I started talking to him (well, shouting at him) and he was just in some kind of weird flinchy trance but he came round and by this point a woman had come out of her house with some ice for his elbow and shoulder and the girl who hit him was on the side of the road... (not offering help, but I suppose she was just scared... she was only a year or two older than me) and when he came round I called the police and ambulance service. They gave lots of advice and were really calming and arrived within minutes. He was on I think.. I talked to him to make use he didn't go unconscious and his name was Luke, he was 17 and on the way to work at Pizza Hut. I asked him if I could call anyone for him and he told me to call his work and tell them he would be late... I was like, Luke, you're not going to work, you're going to the hospital ok? you've just been hit by a car. He was very sweet and I called his sister for him but she didn't answer so I left the most awful message.. I just didn't know what to say!!! Anyway when the police came I gave a statement and I wanted to go to the hospital with him because he was alone but I thought it was best not to get involved. I left and went to bed. The next day was my birthday and it was SOOOOOOOO GOOOOODDD! I  put up a gazebo in the back garden by the river and had lots of people round.. they organised a surprise for me and my friend did fire tricks while my cake was delivered in a wheelbarrow hahaha =] I adore my friends =]
Rupert bought me a sailor hat and literally I think its the best thing Ive ever had. I LOVE IT. and wore it all night!!!! There was a very amusing incident with the neighbours where they were discriminate towards my parents and all hell broke loose between them and my guests .... it was HILARIOUS! but I think you kinda had to be there so I wont tell the story...

SUCH a good night!! Then on Saturday Rupert and I drove up to his parents house and stayed with them for the night, then today we drove to his godmothers house for a BBQ and it was soooooooooooooo nice! Ive had the BEST weekend ever (apart from the crash) !! Then on the way home today, when we got back into Oxford we went to the pub with some people and watched the end of the football.

What a LOVELY  weekend.... its a shame I have work at 7.30 tomorrow. Oh well, I need to work otherwise I will be the poorest student in London next year...

My eyelashes are itchy... is this normal?


OH P.S. I really want a Holga camera!!!!! I will search Ebay NOW! XO