Tuesday 26 October 2010


I warn you all I may be turning into a hermet. I just dont want to speak to anyone. It's been like this for about 5/6 days now. I've avoided all contact with anyone else I just cba tbh. Talking to people is so much effort. I guess it's because I know I dont have to try with anyone anymore... I dont have to make an effort to become friends with them because now I am.
I literally am so tired, after the play last night I came home and Skyped Rupert for AGES and before I knew it, it was 11. And I had LOADS of work to do. so I didn't get a good nights sleep last night. I kept getting up making lists (I say keep... I did it like, twice) of things I need to buy and things I need to do. My to do list is forever growing. It sucks.

The play last night was... as a play, shit. But the puppets (the real reason we were there) we fuckiiiiin amazing. Like I was literally in awe. Hopefully I can get to do something like that someday.

It looks like I'm going home AGAIN this weekend! Ruperts room mate is in a halloween thing at one of the colleges and its like £3 so I thought I would go. I think basically you get taken on a tour by a scary man and then lots of people run around and scare you and take you places hahah. Sounds good!
It's on thursday night so I'm heading home after college on thursday, and as I have thursday off, I wont be back till sunday!! Which is when THE PARTAY takes place. SO excited!!

I really wish I hadn't grown this horrible thing of not telling people what I think anymore. It sucks. I'm trying to get it back slowly... but I'm rude. This is who I am. and it's gone!!! I don't want to be nice!! It's really annoying to myself.
Basically what I just want to say to the majority of people is: I don't care for your opintion. Seriously, I know you're just looking out for me but I really don't give a fuck. Just let me get on with it and let me do it my way?
pleaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeee because even though you're being nice, it's REALLY annoying. Also theres a girl who just need to leave me alone. and another one who has already left me... and doesn't really seem to care, just because you have friends who are boring and want to grow up just so they can afford an aga. Great! I'm sorry I'm not as boring as them, but you're welcome to them.

Wow, that turned slightly nasty didn't it! Anyway!
So today... Im sculpting this mask, and I kinda zone out for about an hour because I'm really into it and not really concentrating on what I'm doing.... just doing it as and when I feel... I turned out with this........

A big plonking willy on the middle of his face. THIS IS NOT A NOSE CHLOE. THIS IS A PENIS.
I'm sure Freud would have alot to say about that.

This is actually what I was doing... (it's not finished yet)...

But now every time I look at it all I see is one great big willy

I'm going to bed. XO