Saturday 19 December 2009

"No pets in the laundrette, Dot is very particular"

Why is everything so annoying today?!
I need to get off my lazy ass and change my whole life.
The only good thing about anything is my boy. And I'm even scared of loosing him!
Why is everything so shit. The World we live in lies. I lie.
I don't want to be me.
Things change from today. I've felt like this for a while. Every now and then I decide that my whole life needs a revamp. And now is one of those times. For a while I've wanted to change my name.... I don't know what to tho, something like....oh I don't know.
The old is gone. Things must progress. This blog will change.
This isn't me.



Orchid said...

OH GOD & now you're watching Eastenders???

I love you.

"You know the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists in tact//// Is to realise that two out of three ain't bad"
