Saturday 13 February 2010


I am home! And to warn you now, this is going to be a very long post =]
Where to start? one week ago I guess.
So, lasty Saturday night / Sunday morning we all met at college to catch our coach to Gatwick. Everyone was so energetic but as soon as we set off we were all asleep. Woke up at Gatwick, mulled around for a while in Cafe Nero then caught our flight, Slept really akwardly on the fold out trays and 3 and a bit hours later we were in Morocco. We got off the plane and instantly we were instanty hit by a wall of heat. It was gorgeous. Blue skys, mountains and heat. Then we caught the coach to the hotel, ran around and generally annoyed the other guests untill dinner... then went in to the main square at night to sample the night life.

 Wow. It was mental, because obviously we had no idea what to do in this situation... men shouting at us, children trying to grab us, and make us buy crap off them. Children fighting in the street over an orange to sell, Crazy people, monkeys on leads doing back flips, shakes in the street, cats EVERYWHERE. Intense is the word.
The second day we went to the mountains and visited the berber villages which was beautiful. There was a cafe at the end of a rickity old bridge so we sat there and painted the mountains and drank mint tea.

after the mountains we went to the souks, basically its like camden but smelly, dirty, ridiculously cheep and is as big as half of Marrakech.

Did a bit of shopping then went back to the hotel and chilled, slept, had dinner then went for a midnight dangle in the pool with the girls.
The next day (Tuesday) we went to the museum of Marrakech which was.... basically a big room with nothing in it? ... I mean, it was beautiful. But it didn't tell me anything about Marrakech...
????? Museum?? I think not.
After this we went to the second part of the museum,.... an empty old boarding school. Again.... museum? I think not, but this place was amazingly beautiful with carved walls and lots of beautiful old windows.

after this we walked back through the Souks to get to the hotel and this was the begining of a very eventful night.... basically, after reciving a phonecall from Emma (the head of course) in Melissas room where we were having a party.... We fled because Emma told us that security were coming to search the room and chuck us out, and we would have to pay a 1000dh fine- about £80 (little did we know that Emma was just pissing about and there was no security, no fine, nothing.) as we were running.... we happend to stumble upon the door to the roof......
It was amazing! we climbed up and sat up there for a good half hour... there was about 15 of us. and just as we were coming down we heard radios. Fuck. (this is when we still though that security were looking for us) for some reason, instead of running DOWN to the stairs..... we decided we could hide better if we climbed UP. hahah. not a good idea. we hid behind this massive concrete block and we saw security find 3 of our other friends and grab them and escort them down ( aparently security was in a circle formation around them as they came down in the lift.... which I find hilarious =] we hid for another 20 minitues or so then Chris made a break for it and ran down the ladder and to the stair-well. As I looked over the wall, I saw a huge Moroccan man all in black grab hold of him and two more come up the ladder to where me and Arron still were. Anyway, we were taken down stairs and sat in the lobby at 3am while they tried to find staff that spoke English. Cue the escape... Chris pretended to get a phonecall and walked in to the corridor where the stairs were and then told me and arron that the person needed t talk to us. HA. stupid security. We legged it up to Chris' room and then I went to look for Tasha who had been escorted down in the lift with the rest. She was in a right state because after ages of telling security that she thought Moroccans slept on the roof she was let go, but a man from the hotel made a copy of our room key and followed her up, and refused to leave untill she fell asleep... or something because it "wasn't safe". We locked the door, double locked the door, pushed our beds together and hoped he wouldn't come back.
Woke up about 4 hours later for breakfast then went to Essaouira which was about a 3 hour drive away but it was lovely. So much cleaner and nicer and more quaint than Marrakech. As soon as we got there we had a fish platter lunch which was bloody amazing. there was shrimp, king prawns, mackerel, squid, something, something else and something with teeth still in.....chips. salad, and bread all for 5odh each! - £4 =]

Oh and I held a Spider Crab..... which I didn't know was alive untill it started stroking me!

I did the majority of my shopping there, bought a nice satchel made of camel and bought Ruperts valentines presents there. I got him a berber pipe and a hand carved, silver and camel bone berber knife.
In the evening after we got back me and tash made a den in our room.... but then the cleaners took it down the next day. It was amazng. We slept in it and everything.

On thursday we went to the Marjorelle Gardens which is like a memorial for Yves St Larrent (which I can't spell) It was very Moroccan. But tbh. Just loads of plants.
After the Marjorelle Gardens it was back to the hotel for lunch, a nap and as it was the hottest day so far... the pool.

As you can see, the majority of people were doing work, whereas we were just chillin' poolstyleee =]
The tutors had arranged a dinner and party in the evening in the most beautiful and romantic place I have ever seen in my life. With belly dancers and everything. One of the belly dancers asked me to dance with her infrond of everyone but there was no way I would do that because she was GORGEOUS and half naked and shaking everywhere whereas I had had 4 hours sleep and felt sick from the tajine. hahha.
Then there was the surprise party in a club which was also beautiful, there were free cocktails, men with fire, shisha, music, cigars, and these CRAZY men in gold mirror suits with green lazers dancing for us......It was the most sureal thing ever. No one had hardly any idea what they were doing...... but it was hilarious.

The next day, was our last day..... we went to the square and the Souks to do some last minute shopping and saw the tutors and stayed with them for a bit then we saw this man making wood things with his feet! He gave Paul (my tutor) a lucky charm necklace which Paul then gave to me.

Then we went and had lunch in the cutest little cafe trying its best to be English but failing epically! On our way back to the hotel for the final time, Lucy made friends with a Chameleon and then we got a Horse and carrage back.

The flight home was one of the mose pleasent flights I've experienced. And when I got home home at 2am, I was ready to collapse after dragging my suitcase up the stairs and giving my mum and dad their presents etc .....
I got into my room and turned my light on to find a vase full of pink and white lillys, a bottle of white chocolate liquor and a box of "I love you" chocolates from Rupert.
Rupert moved in on wednesday.... and its valentines day tomorrow....and I'm home for the coolest place I've ever been to.
So happy.